
Sunday, September 30, 2012

I See The Lord (1)

You are standing in church, its worship time and the choir is singing one the usual songs. You sing along, you can sing this song backwards without thinking, you know it that well. It is one of those songs. You the ones I mean. Those songs that somehow never die out but are passed on from generation to generation. You grew up singing the songs both the "praise" version and the " worship" version. As you sing the song your mind wanders a bit and you look around catch a few people who are looking around just like you, see a few uninterested faces whose expressions tell you that the last place they want to be is in church and wonder who forced them to church (maybe struggle to hide a condescending smirk). Then you see her. She is singing her hands are lifted, eyes lifted with tears streaming down her face but that is not what startles you. Its her expression, it's like she is hearing completely different music, singing a different song. She looks enraptured by something or someone you cannot see. She look of pure adoration and love on her face. She isn't just singing a worship song with the expected "worship expression and motion" she looks like she is actually worshipping God. You can see that she has connected with God on some other level. The very air around her looks charged. The aura about her is different. The both of you may be singing the same words but she is singing a completely different song. She is clearing experiencing something, feeling something, seeing something that you are not experiencing, seeing or feeling. The song is more than a song to her it is her heart's cry and expression of love and adoration to her God. She looks completely oblivious to her surrounding. A bomb could go off and she wouldn't hear it, that is how consumed she looks. Then it dawns on you that you are having a religious experience and she is having a spiritual experience. You realise that you are in church singing .... But she is in the presence of her God and Father .... Worshipping.

You are chatting with a young man and at some point in the conversation he ends a statement "... Because Jesus told me to." Your first instict to laugh and look at with the eyes of doubt, probably think what kind of over spirituality is this guy trying to portray here. Taking a look at him and the "matter of fact"way he is speaking you can tell that he is sincere and would think it strange that Jesus doesn't talk to you. Instead of the disdain you think you should feel, you feel left out. He looks like he has something special with God. You can tell he isn't trying to put one on you. He talks like he has met God one on one and hearing God speak is as normal as breathing . You realize that while you know about God, this young man before you KNOWS God.

Where do you fall?

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