What exactly is the Jesus element? It is far too complex to describe but I will certainly try. It is possessing a quality, a feature , a trait , a characteristic that completely changes the way you think, see life, behave, in short it changes you as a whole. It’s an element that automatically makes you stand out the instant you lay hold of it. It puts you on a different level, marks you as special and righteous. It sends a message to all people that you are precious beyond measure, beyond words. It is an added advantage in every circumstance. It always gives you the upper hand wherever you find yourself. It tells anyone who sees you that though you may be in the world, you are not of the world. It serves as your justification, sanctification, and consecration. It is your salvation and deliverance. It sets you apart as saved , makes you worthy to stand before God as pure , righteous and holy. It makes you a citizen of heaven.
The Jesus element is a treasure of immeasurable worth, a pearl of great price . There is only one of it, in other words it is one of a kind. Many have tried to replicate this element but they all fall short of the mark. No other jewel can compare to this element. It was birthed in suffering, sorrow, blood and death. When possessed it produces joy , life, peace, triumph, power and so much more. It gives blessings and adds no sorrow.
How then does one get this Jesus element? It can’t be bought with money, good works, power or prestige. No man can by his own effort earn this element. No man no matter how noble is worthy of this element. The Jesus element isn’t earned , it’s a gift freely given and each must decide whether or not to accept it. The sole owner of this element has made it available to all men at no cost to man but at great cost to Himself. To get this element all you have to do is ask for it. It’s given with no strings or conditions. It is inexhaustible, readily available. No qualification necessary.
I have barely scratched the surface of the features and benefits of this element. No man can fully describe it. It has too many facets. Depths too deep to completely explore. However the creator of this element seeks to teach you about it Himself. Who better to educate you on the element than the maker of the element. He desires to show the depth, breadth and fullness of the Jesus element. Get to know Him and experience something that words can never fully describe .
I have the Jesus element, the question is do you?
What are you waiting for ask the lord for the Jesus element..... right now!
You can refer to the side bar with the prayer of salvation ....yes it’s a prayer for the Jesus element.
Yours Truly
i've got it too!